| Hi, I’m Clarissa! I’m a 2nd year PhD student and long-time member of the Sussman laboratory! I joined in the Fall of 2017 as an undergraduate volunteer and have had the honor to grow here as a student, researcher, and leader ever since. I was initially drawn towards cardiovascular research because of my own family history of heart disease. The Sussman lab has taught me to appreciate the complexity, challenges, and significance associated with cardiovascular research. I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to fine-tune my skills in mouse work, histology, microscopy, biochemical assays, and data analysis. I have applied these skills to projects studying the effects of chronic vape exposure on the cardiopulmonary system, specifically how vaping mediates the response to treatments such as exercise and myocardial infarction. As a senior lab member now, I prioritize mentoring our undergraduate students and passing down all of the skills I have gained. I plan on a career in academia in which I can continue this rewarding cycle of transferring scientific knowledge and discoveries to my students and the scientific community. |