Carolina Esquer

Hi! My name is Carolina, I am a Research Associate in Dr. Sussman’s lab. I am currently working on a murine vaping study using a SCIREQ exposure system. I am interested in learning about the damage vaping has on the cardiopulmonary system and how it could affect our community here at SDSU. I also perform primary cell isolations and micro surgeries for the ongoing studies in the lab. It’s an exciting time to be in science and I’m grateful for the mentorship and the experiences I’ve had here in the Sussman laboratory lab with their ongoing projects. It’s an exciting time to be in science and I look forward to being part of Dr. Sussman’s team.

Grant Shain
Hi! My name is Abraham Grant Shain (I go by Grant). I am a first year CMB Masters student, and completed my undergraduate here at SDSU with a bachelor’s degree in biology. Dr. Sussman’s lab has been and continues to be an incredible facility for me to develop my scientific skill set . I am currently investigating the effects of vaping on the lung via pentachrome and immuno-staining, with a specific project soon to come. Lastly, I am thankful to have such intelligent and helpful labmates. 
Clarissa Savko
My name is Clarissa Savko and I am a first year Master’s student in Cellular and Molecular Biology here at SDSU. I graduated from SDSU with my Bachelor’s degree in Biology in May of 2020. As a first generation college student, I am honored to continue pursuing my education in graduate school despite it being such foreign territory to me. I was inspired to go on this journey by my time spent as an undergraduate volunteer in Dr. Sussman’s lab where I learned valuable scientific skills and lessons from some of the best mentors out there. I look forward to the opportunity to apply all that I’ve learned to my own research project studying damage to the cardiopulmonary system resulting from chronic exposure to e-cigarette vapor. 
Abbie Rieder
I’m a post-graduate of SDSU who had so much fun in the Sussman lab that I decided to stay on for a gap year while I apply for admission to med school. I’m eager to expand upon my passion for science, excited to continue learning about the techniques used in the lab, and gain experience and knowledge in scientific research. There is so much to learn in this field and I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to learn from such an intelligent team of individuals in the Sussman Lab.